Posted by: mdawg45 | September 30, 2007

July 20, 2007


The overnight train to Moscow.


The view from the hotel – overlooks Moscow.


The hotel complex in Moscow – note the Olympic colors on the building.

I survived the overnight train to Moscow (see photo above).  The same group of ladies shared the compartment – Kay, Karen, and Audrey.  I slept in the upper bunk again – this bunk was much smaller than the first bunk from the first train so I kept waking up.  My back was killing me so I took some pills to help with the pain.  I was very uncomfortable! 😦

Needless to say, I woke up irritable and crabby (sorry to my follow travelers). 😦  I slept in my clothes so I felt sorta icky.

We were picked up at the train station and brought to our hotel.  They allowed us to check in early so we were able to shower and clean up.  Ate some breakfast in the upstairs buffet.  Karen and I had a room on the 28th floor!  It overlooks the city of Moscow – breathtaking views (see photo above)!  Our hotel was built for the 1980 Olympics. Outside, the Olympic rings were etched into the sidewalk and one of the buildings in the complex had the Olympic colors displayed on the front of it (see photo above).

We had an appointment at the New Eurasian Center.  None of us knew what the place was about or why we were visiting them. We learned that they are a non-profit organization in the area of social-economics.  We met with the education department and the president of the center.  Basically, they are trying to make some positive changes in Russia in regards to the educational system.

We came back to the hotel for lunch.  I wasn’t up for doing much of anything so I went back up the room to rest.  After some much needed sleep, I re-arranged my suitcase and duffel bag so I could find my stuff.  I packed in such a hurry when we left the American Home that I couldn’t find some of the stuff.  A van from the American Home brought our stuff that we left in Vladimir.  I also was able to catch up in my journal. 

 Karen came back from her excursion – she went shopping in one of the markets near our hotel.  She bought some nice stuff.  We chatted for a while and then went to sleep.

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